The coldness.
The wetness.
The danger it causes on the roads.
Cleaning it off driveways and cars.
The slush it creates.
Whipping in your face with harsh winds and stinging bites.
I do love snow at night. Something about it is extremely calming and peaceful to me. I know that is cliche... but it's true. I love when snow falls at night. I love the silence. The blanket of calm that falls and wraps its white arms around nature. The sound of fresh snow crunching under my feet. And when the snow has already fallen, I love the moon casting it's heavy shadows on the pale ground. The way everything lights up in blue. It makes me feel at peace.
Tonight the moon is full. And the world outside it white and blue with short dark shadows lying still under the trees.
And for just a few moments while I was outside, I actually felt serene. Happy even. Something I don't feel very often these days.
I'll always treasure snow at night.
... But that's the only time.
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